Sunday 9 November 2008

Development Continues

I'm finished with my Degree, but that does not mean that the project is dead.

History - What is DITO

logo This project initially started as my Final Year Project in DIT where I graduated in June 2008 as a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.

Development stopped with a prototype to demonstrate the main concepts. Since that I have basically shut this project down for a nice summer break and because of the lack of time since I started to work.
However, I think this project desrves to suvive and I forced myself ton continue working on it.
Screenshot of Prototype

Work in Progress

Since the last prototype I have already done a bit work. This mostly concerned the database as I moved over from Oracle to MySQL. The reason for that was mostly financial.
Furthermore I slightly changed the database design as MySQL support a number of features that I wanted to take advantage of. In contrast to my time in DIT the main target was/is/will be the website. So I will concentrate on that for the next wile and probably continue working on the messenger after the relase of DITO. But it is still planned to be release.

What's next?

As next I have to add a number of features to the website to make it competitive with all those other social networks. After that I will have to work on compatibility and some nice Java Scripts.
The last step before a first release will be extensive testing and translation work.

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